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The intention was that this was to be Volume 3 in the series of the Coventry We Have Lost, but for some reason that we cannot now remember we decided to publish, in 1997, a book with this unusual combination of subjects. We still have a few of this book left at the old price.
Introduction 3
The Godiva Processions 4
1870 Miss Rose Williams 6
1877 Miss Edgerton 6
1883 Maude Forester 7
1907 Miss Pansy Montague 8
1911 Miss Viola Hamilton 16
1919 Miss Gladys Mann 22
1929 Miss Muriel Mellerup 24
1936 Miss Frances P Burchell 27
Industry 29
Textiles 32
Watch-making 37
Bicycles 41
Motorcycles 49
Motorcars 55
Aircraft 64
Munitions/Armaments 73
Machine Tools 79
Electrical 83
Coal Mining 87
Coventry Industrial Ephemera 90
Index 92
Alfred Herbert Ltd 12, 79, 80
Armstrong Whitworth, Sir W G Ltd 71,72
Bayliss, Thomas & Co 54
Bentley BR1 & BR2 Engines 67
Binley Colliery 89
Bird Street 13, 5
Bishop Street 13
Bleriot X1 64, 65
Boneshaker 41
Bonniksen, Bahne 40
British Thompson Houston 85, 86
Broadgate 12, 23
Bull Yard 17
Butts, The 11, 12, 18, 25
Butts, The, Cycle Track 44
Calcott Bros Ltd 53
Cash, J & J 33, 34
Cashs Lane 33, 34
Courtaulds, S Ltd 36
Coventry & Warwickshire Hospital 25
Coventry Colliery, Keresley 87, 88
Coventry Eagle 54
Coventry Gauge & Tool 80, 81
Coventry Machinists Co 45
Coventry Munitions Ltd 77
Coventry Ordnance Works Ltd 66, 73, 74, 75, 76
Coventry Victor Motor Co 54
Cox Street 9
Craven Colliery, Wyken 89
Cross Cheaping 21,23
Crown Hotel 20
Daimler Renard Road Train 14, 19
Daimler, Radford Works 58, 68, 77
Daimler, Sandy Lane 55, 56, 57
Eiffel Tower Cycle 45
Fleet Street 10
Foleshill Road 36, 47
Ford Street 9
Gnome Engine 66
Godiva Route Map 15, 26
Godiva Stevengraph 28
Godiva, Lady
Frances Burchell 27-28
Miss Edgerton 6
Maude Forseter 7
Viola Hamilton 16-21
Gladys Mann 22-23
Muriel Mellerup 24-25
Pansy Montague 8-14
Rose Williams 6
Gosford Street 78
Greyfriars Green 17
Harris Cycle Co 46
Herbert & Hubbard Ltd 79
Hertford Street 17
High Street 19
Hill Street 35
Hotchkiss & Cie 78, 62
Humber Works, Lower Ford Street 43, 50
Humber Works, Stoke Works 48, 51, 60, 61, 64, 65,67
Kenilworth Road 25
King William Street 20
Kingfield Road 34
Leamington Road 25
Leigh Mills 35
Memorial Park 26, 28
Morris Motors Co 62
Much Park Street 14
Newsome J & Co 18, 39
O’Brien Works 47
Olde Bull & Anchor 13
Peel-Connor Telephone Works 83, 84, 85
Pennington E J 49
Pilot Inn 14
Player, J & Sons 39
Premier Cycle Co 45
Primrose Hill Street 21
Queens Road 18
Reform Club 17
Regent Street 18
Ribbon Weaving Frame 32
Robin Hood Inn 9
Rose Inn 14
Rotherham & Sons 37, 39, 40
Rover Co 59
Rover Show Rooms 17
Royal Exchange 21
Rudge Whitworth Ltd 46, 53
Russell Arms 25
Siddeley Deasey 69, 70
Siddeley Puma Engine 70
Singer Co 47, 50, 52
Siskin 69
Smithford Street 10, 19
Spon End 11
Spon Street 10, 37
St James & St Christopher Chapel 11
St Mark’s Church 13
Standard Motor Co, Canley Works 63
Starley Works 43
Starley, James 42
Station Approach 44
Stevens, Thomas 9
Swanswell Pool 13
Swift Motor Works 42, 49
Sydenam Palace 9
Talbot Inn 21, 23
Taylor, Cooper & Bedenall 55
Triumph Cycle Co 50, 52
Upper York Street 79
Victoria Street 20, 21
Warwick Road 17
Webster & Bennett Ltd 80
West Orchard 21
White Street 13
Whitley Abbey Aerodrome 71, 72
Whitley Bomber 72
Wickman A C Ltd 82
Williamson, H 38, 39